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Agnieszka Kiela-Pałys

Agnieszka Kiela-Pałys

born and passionate traveller, has already set her foot on all the continents, is never tired of visiting new places though. A graduate of English philology and post-graduate MBA studies; currently works in HR department of an IT company. Restless spirit; spends all the free time travelling, diving (her greatest love beside the mountains), climbing, training, planning next expeditions... Preferably, she would be in several places at the same time, because there is still so much to see and experience, only there is never enough time for everything she wants. On 5th March 2011 she set up a women's record in ice scuba diving.

Dive certificates: Instructor IANTD, Advanced Trimix Diver IANTD

Jacek Lubowiecki

Jacek Lubowiecki

one of the most experienced divers and scuba diving instructors in Poland: over 35 years of scuba diving practice speaks for itself :-) Many dozens of thousands of hours spend on diving and several thousands of certified divers. Instructor Trainer i Certifier of several international scuba diving associations. His scuba diving passion is absolutely contagious and every year there are more and more (future) divers attracted to Scuba Training dive centre in Warsaw.  In course of all these years, diving has been the greatest passion and fascination for Jacek; recently he's been evangelising Polish divers about diving on closed circuit rebreathers. With great success, of course.

Dive certificates: Instructor Trainer ITDA, Instructor Certifier SSI, Instructor Trainer SSI, Instructor Trainer CCR Buddy and Optima, Instructor Trainer Raid, Trimix Instructor IANTD

Maciej Pałys

Maciej Pałys

Maciek has always been a great fan of various forms of open air activity (not really the indoor type), and since early years has eagerly participated in mountain trips and admired wild nature. A graduate of the management and marketing specialisation at the Warsaw School of Economics, has been successfully pursuing his professional career in IT sector. Analytical thinking and problem solving skills, as well as pragmatic approach saved some brave ideas of Agnieszka on numerous occasions, because even the greatest ideas require refining, and there is a long way from an idea to an expedition -  if not for the organisational skills of Maciek, then probably there would be no expedition to Antarctica or escapades in the Rocky Mountains, such as climbing Mount Whitney, during a student exchange programme in NA. Maciek has been diving for more than 10 years.

Dive certificates: Instructor IANTD, Advanced Trimix Diver IANTD

Ela Benducka

Ela Benducka

A woman full of passion, enthusiasm and energy, keen on completing all her projects and making her ideas come into life. Likes travelling all around the world to dive and also to satisfy her curiosity of the world. She believes everything is possible, impossible things can be done tomorrow. Instructor, sportswoman, teacher, who can persuade and teach every student. She's been diving since 17 years. Loves extreme sports. She broke the dive record with the depth of 137m in the Blue Hole in 2000. She was the only woman in the support team of Nuno Gomes' project aiming at breaking the world dive record, which succeeded and achieved the depth of 318m. She is a professional tax advisor.

Dive certificates: Dive Control Specialist Instructor SSI, M2 CMAS Instructor, Advanced Trimix ITDA Instructor

Iwona Kotowska

Iwona Kotowska

professional legal advisor, who spends all of her free time travelling to the farthest places of the world, paragliding, skiing and scuba diving. Her passion is experiencing new cultures, places and people that she meets during her tourist expeditions all over the world. She willingly accepts great challenges, plus consequently and successfully carries them out, conquering new mountain peaks and underwater depths. Self-control and determination that are so helpful in the court room, are also invaluable features deep in the sea and high on the mountain. Her numerous ideas and inexhaustible energy layers make it possible for Iwona to successfully pursue her interests and passions, the number of which grows with every next expedition! 'Never say never' - these words have been her motto throughout her joyful and adventurous life. Scuba diving experience and subsequent technical training sessions make her a perfect team member and partner to this unique undertaking.
Dive certificates: AOWD SSI, Advanced EAN Diver IANTD, Normoxic Trimix Diver IANTD

Darek Dynarzewski

Darek Dynarzewski

Darek started his dive adventure with freediving, but gradually he wanted to spend more and more time under water, so pretty quickly he switched to scuba diving. Since that time, Darek's life has been completely dominated by and subordinated to diving, which proved to be contagious also to his family. Soon the time came to start technical diving, do instructor training, or dive all over the world in some of the most beautiful dive sites. Still, there is so much to see and do that Darek does not waste time - he dives more and more and to greater depths every year, broadens his dive knowledge and acquires new interesting scuba diving experiences.

Dive certificates: Instructor IANTD, Advanced Trimix Diver IANTD, Trimix/ Nitrox Gas Blender ITDA

Wojtek Gumiński

Wojtek Gumiński

a great fan of the martial arts, and most of all of scuba diving - Wojtek has been diving for around 20 years; achieving on the dive career path almost all that can be achieved, up to the level of Instructor Trainer inclusively. He's been successfully running his own business for many years now, but always finds time for an interesting scuba diving project, which he willingly supports with his broad knowledge and experience, similarly like in case of 9000 meters project. Moreover, a great success story of technical diving; on 5th March 2011 he set up a new dive record in rebreather diving under ice. 

Dive certificates: Dive Control Specialist Instructor SSI, Normoxic Trimix Instructor Trainer ITDA, Advanced Trimix Instructor IANTD


Scuba Training
Dive Rite - Equipment for Serious Divers
O'Three Dry Suites
O'Three Dry Suites
Lukan Bluzki


Wielki Błękit - Najlepszy Magazyn o Nurkowaniu