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08.10.2011 13:17 Wiek: 7 yrs

Success of 9000 metres Project and plans for the future

We have just returned to Warsaw from sunny La Manga, our diving equipment is still travelling to Poland, but we want to share our first impressions already now. So, to summarise: I would like to confirm that the task was completed and more than happy to participate in similar projects in the future!!!

On 5th October 2011 the bottom team, i.e.: Agnieszka Kiela-Pałys and Simon Townsend dived to the depth of 152m and not any deeper (exactly according to the dive plan, which was Simon's task to assure  ;-). We were accompanied by deep support divers: Jacek Lubowiecki (100m), Ela Benducka (80m), Maciek Pałys and Tomek Godzina (60m), plus some divers from Simon's group, responsible for underwater and surface support: Tony, Joaquin and others.
One more time: big THANK YOU to everybody, because the dive was possible thanks to the common effort and support of everybody, also other colleagues not mentioned here, who provided consultations and support otherwise.
On my part, I am very happy that the expedition took place and was completed successfully, first of all because the weather was not perfect in the first week and we had to revise many of our dive plans, whereas in the second week the sea was perfectly smooth and calm and that's why we could do deep dives without any interruptions. Unfortunately, due to unfavorable weather conditions, we could not explore all the beautiful wrecks that we had planned, since no dive boat would go to the sea with waves higher than 2 meters, which means there are still many interesting sites to explore in Spain in the future!
On the other hand, strong winds and waves resulted in other explorations - since we could not dive from the boat, we visited a very beautiful fresh/salt-water cave - Cueva del Agua, where Jacek shared his cave passion with us.
More caves and wrecks are waiting for us in Spain; we have already made the first step to explore the region of Murcia, so we will be back there very soon and not only once, but many times!

Next news will follow shortly.


Still, I would like to say BIG THANK YOU to Jacek Lubowiecki and Scuba Training for all the support: technical support, knowledge sharing, motivating, etc. Also, to Dive Rite and Othree companies; thanks to their support, we could use excellent scuba diving equipment, which contributed to the Project's success and operated perfectly well in very demanding conditions.




Scuba Training
Dive Rite - Equipment for Serious Divers
O'Three Dry Suites
O'Three Dry Suites
Lukan Bluzki


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